About the Founder
Hi! I’m Laura Caraker and I’ll cut to the chase. I grew up low income in a broken home, which moved around at least 10 times in multiple states before I even finished high school. I grew up having to beg for a Christmas gift I wanted or to go to a summer camp that all the other kids at school were going to, just to constantly be told my family couldn’t afford it. I struggled to focus due to issues at home, and therefore was certainly not a straight A student. I thought that I would have no choice but to continue my family’s cycle of barely making enough money to survive in the future. And getting to see the world at the same time? Forget about it! I didn’t even get a passport for the first time until I was 20!
I moved to Boston for my first “real job”, fresh out of college in 2013, enrolling in the status quo of what I thought it meant to be successful and make money. I spent hours commuting to the office, wore blazers and heels, getting my hair and nails done. I even lived on a boat to get my first start before I could afford Boston rent (but that’s a story for another time!) That was when everything changed, and I realized it was up to me to decide what a future and career looked like… and that it had nothing to do with my family background, or even my education. I was actively creating it!
I have spent my life since then challenging the norm of freedom availability as I grew my career. If things weren’t working for me, or if I wanted to travel or relocate, I wasn’t afraid to leave a company. Even though every career advisor advised to stay at the same company for a bit to receive tenure, I always valued my freedom more than that. I have now worked at six different private startup technology companies all with 4+ star employee ratings on Glassdoor, boosting my salary and credibility upon every new offer.
Fast forward to today, I have been able to work from all over the world for the past five years. I also volunteer with SFSU to help teach low income students how to get into the job market and start their careers. With the experience of achieving remote employment with multiple different rewarding companies, (even after having a 1.5 year break in employment,) as well as enabling college students to get into the job market, there is no one I have ever met with more credibility to run this bootcamp.
As a friend, I have helped multiple people get their first remote job from bartending, construction work, even real estate work to now working remotely in tech. One of which was making 6 figures within their first year of employment.
Through the past 12 years of trials and tribulations I have learned EXACTLY what it takes to work remotely, have job security, and sustain survivable income even in between jobs. This isn’t one of those scam bootcamps where someone just studied something for the past year and is now trying to teach it. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. Get on board!
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